Legacy Movement for Young Women
We believe that all women are instrumental in creating a harmonic world! By this we mean that all women, from young to old, have the innate ability to be kind and loving therefore inspiring others to continue this legacy. Throughout history courageous women have used their voices to produce global change and inspired others to change mental views in many different areas and populations. Women directly affect the lives of many and this carries an enormous responsibility when it comes to the example we pass down to our daughters.
Female children tend to copy their mothers and other women in the family. As they grow, they are also inspired by other important females that cross their life journey. These models guide the younger generation to stay on the “right course”. If every girl had a great example, all women would be stable in their self-value and self-acceptance. This would create a world of happy women, happier children and happier men.
Sadly, this seems too idealistic for how things are today. The existing examples for girls from 12 to 21 years of age are found in reality television, music, magazines, celebrity tabloids and information given on the Internet. Also, at home they too often see their mothers and other adult women suffering from lack of contentment and acceptance. Hard times, depression, divorce, economical struggles and aloneness can create a survival focus that can impede adult women from passing down a solid and happy example.
We fear that our 12 to 21 year old women may continue to follow this obsolete pattern of “lost and unhappy women”. This means no way out! It will only perpetuate more depression, mental illness, addiction, separation of men and women and neglected children that will continue to pass down a most negative and untrusting world example.
Tree of Gold is prepared and passionate to help resolve this problem. Our goal is to create a legacy movement that will inspire our young women to become their Young Queens as they are taught to evolve to their wisest self.
Our movement is beginning with a funded program that includes a selected group of 12 young ladies. They will be taught the 1st Level of the Queens Teachings during a 3 month period. All general classes will follow and will be announced on the website.
Please visit our Young Royals Blog for beautiful stories and inspiration.
For inquiries about these teachings, please contact youngroyals@treeofgold.org.