The Healing Tree
The Healing Tree practices connect our worried minds to our purest inner light and our loving hearts. Having your Healing Tree as a destination for calm and tranquil practice, paves a road easily taken when in need. The inspiration may be to plant a new chosen tree or it may be to bring to light an existing tree that sits within your grounds or community. Our team and arborist will guide and suggest the best options according to climate, terrain and accessibility.
Once the tree has been chosen, founder, Alessandra Solari, will teach and guide the initial healing and awareness practices. Your family or community will be able to rapidly learn to connect to individual and group healing through very specific and simple steps. These include how to rise to the wisest part of the mind using breath techniques, clear all negativity and toxins from the emotional and physical bodies and how to calm the mind through visual images.
Those that choose to practice most often will become connected with the most compassionate part of their heart; the golden heart.
To ignite your garden, please contact