Have a Cup of Joy

The Splendor of True Happiness


As I began to emerge this writing a butterfly of the most vibrant colors flew in front of me. It enchanted and seduced me away from the writer’s block that kept me overthinking this article. As I followed its colorful flight; my mind became inspired with new reasoning. The realization that most of us are too mentally distracted to see the masterpiece, kept shining like a bright hotel sign in my mind. 

I proceeded to think about the brainy workouts that routinely keep us hiking up to the happiness we think we deserve. Consuming circles that we groove laboriously- trying to resolve problems and how it keep us drowning in the “fight or flight” response. The endless shallow breaths that fuel us with adrenaline and cortisol (stress hormone) as we navigate our burdens. Could this be why the “happily ever after” that we all yearn for so often seems to be just a few steps away? Repeatedly, what we believe is happiness elusively mocks its endless possibilities like a rainbow after a storm: there for a second and gone in a flash.


Getting to the Rainbow

Step One…Surrendering the Movie

Someone once told me that in order to be truly happy, I had to have all my bases covered: a handsome husband, successful job, amazing kids, loyal friends, just enough money to not be greedy, great health, vacation at least once a year, multiple weekend getaways, girls’ nights out, fun hobbies, enlightened spiritual and yoga practices, fantastic skin and a great look for my age. Along the way, I also heard that I would know happiness the day “the love of my life” magically appeared and recognized me.

As you can imagine, the chase for this promised marvel fatigued my illusions and depressed my inspiration. Why wasn’t my life like the movie reel playing in my head? After all, I was following the steps that so many had taken before me to reach nirvana. I had all the right characters and scenes just like in the script: those steps were supposed to work! I truly bought the daydream version, quick fixes and all, but it did not change my life for the best whatsoever. Somehow, each time I rewinded and started over, I ended up with the same feeling of hopelessness.

Exhausting as this sounds- it seems that I may have fallen asleep at the wheel driving along the longest road. I am certain that what I am writing about sounds familiar. Perhaps this endless chase has made happiness an apparition that only reveals itself for some, but not for all. Not true! With the wisdom that I will share with you it will become possible; if happiness becomes joy.

Step Two…Fill your Cup with Joy

Do you remember what made you giddy as a child? For me it was dancing, playing with mud and the ocean. I remember joy as a feeling inside my belly and my heart. A glowing understanding that everything was always going to be beautiful and kind: regardless of the outside world, this connectedness was mine internally. I had not been distracted by others’ fears or the harsh material world. Oppositely, I was connected to all that was simple and pure. I resonated with my physical life without the intrusion of illusionary happiness. Angels seemed to be playing background music and everything made me truly feel each note: I just danced along.

That affinity was never lost on me, I grew up thinking my own way instead of allowing my heart to take me there. Getting out of the ultra-conditioned mentality and the “to do lists” of my adulthood took one tool: consciousness. This is the focal awareness that allows what we are looking at to come into view; a macro lens of sorts that will zoom in to get a better picture. This takes us away from the distracted mind and gives us room to experience the colors and designs on the butterfly’s wings. It makes space for us to live with the essence of what is happening “in the now,” and it connects our hearts so we can blend our energy with the symphony of joy. In a likely manner, our souls’ wisdom will download much more of our natural knowing if we are in that focal state of mind.

My master teacher, the butterfly, that made its debut in my life so gracefully would be of no importance if my focal awareness was not there. If I had not seen it, I would still be contemplating how to write this teaching feeling frustrated and stuck. This synergy of collaboration gave me all that I needed; putting a huge smile of relief on my face. That is the simplicity of joy. Realizing that all we need is waiting for us to see it and focus our attention through the macro lens- not the labyrinth of the worried mind. That is the key to a new life filled with wonder, awe and magical serendipity. Our cup is filled daily, only when we stop the search for a made-up story of happiness in the mind.

Step Three…Listening to the Symphony

All you will need is intention, a macro-lens-mentality, five minutes of reverence to silence and to utter the words: “show me the magic.” Every moment has its own butterfly and rainbow. It is up to each one to stop the insanity of finding happiness in the same unhappy mind and try something different. I am sharing what has changed me into a joyous and inwardly happy adult woman. I focus my lens on every situation that is present and I always find gold- even in the hardest of experiences. This keeps me wise and ever growing wiser. I trust in this experience because I feel guided and always protected by the universe. 

My latest? I was physically on my way to endure a very stressful moment and my mind was in survival mode. Consciously, I chose to leave that part of my brain and relax with gentle music as I drove the rest of the way. Something told me to take the opportunity to calm myself. It was then that my lens focused on the back of the truck that had been in front of me for miles; the word RELAXX was written in big bold letters. Joy never fails to be present! It fills my heart with knowing that everything that is aligned and aligning for the best. This is the true splendor of happiness.



Alessandra Solari Saavedra

Alessandra Solari