Your Diamond Saves the World
Our global tribe is in a state of complete shock, or is it just being harshly pushed in the right direction? Most people used to know their individual path; the freeways and highways of life made complete mental sense. Each one established models of how to be in their culture or gender- and suddenly change made it all disappear. This left an entangled mess that seems to have no beginning and no end. What are we supposed to do at a time when we cannot even count on leadership to save us?
No one has the absolving answers because we are in the embryo stage of our human evolution. What happens when someone turns off the light without us expecting the darkness? We immediately react to the need to see so we can feel safe. This creates a movement towards the light and the light brings the dawn of new answers.
Many are awakening and realizing that the only way to save our world is to come together as a loving and emotionally intelligent humane community. How can that ever happen if most of us have been shown to compete with and mistrust one another? How can we ever emerge as one world that follows the “heart-code,” which is unconditional love and not the preconditioned belief system of the individual’s right to power?
As a teacher of a mindset shift, I have downloaded a multitude of wise reflections. These reflections come to me from my higher mind as wise reasoning and inner-knowing. Imagine I told you that there is one simple exercise that we can all learn to do that starts moving our world toward the Golden Era. Would you try it if it means you are helping to save our Earth? Please know that you are a very important part of the whole and your contribution gets us one step closer. It will take all of us to begin to develop and magnify global consciousness. We must all be prepared to add our light to the darkness by shining our best self.
Stella Luna Pope
Art with a Purpose
We can commence the movement of coming together with the awareness that our deep-rooted convictions will not serve us well. We will not be able to find our way to world collaboration quickly because of our guarded mental squares. Then how can the world find resolution? Perhaps if all the people on this planet had the same spiritual discipline, and everyone accepted that we are all equal souls in a material plane, we could make the transformation into peace, light and lucid understanding. Well, there goes that thought!
For the past 30 years, I have been inspiring my clients and students to leave their confining mental squares and come to the most beautiful part of our human expression- the heart. I imagine a bridge that begins at the head and ends in the center of the chest. There we have the heart chakra, and what I call the Diamond and the Golden Heart. This is where our soul meets our human intention and its only voice is pure love. We all have one, and whether connected to this powerful essence or not, the path to evolution is now propelling each one of us there.
Imagine if every person existing took a deep breath to connect to their Diamond; and in that moment, all individuals are aligned with unconditional love and compassion. It is then that we would all naturally speak from the same vocabulary. We would finally be on the same page: putting together all the pieces necessary to construct a new foundation for our evolved human nation.
Alessandra Solari Saavedra
To Shine Your Diamond:
Begin by bringing the right or left hand to the center of the chest. Continuing, please imagine taking a deep breath of golden energy all the way to where your hand rests. Now, hold three counts and exhale the golden light: envisioning your Diamond shining brilliantly all over the room you are in. Please repeat this at least three times. The more one practices, the wiser one becomes. To accept this part of self is to leave the eternally bruised mind of worry and pain.