Posts tagged healing
Your Diamond Saves the World

Our global tribe is in a state of complete shock, or is it just being harshly pushed in the right direction? Most people used to know their individual path; the freeways and highways of life made complete mental sense. Each one established models of how to be in their culture or gender- and suddenly change made it all disappear. This left an entangled mess that seems to have no beginning and no end. What are we supposed to do at a time when we cannot even count on leadership to save us?

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A Girl and a Golden Seed

Once upon a time, I stood on the hot sand of the Atacama Desert. I was three years old and the infinite space that surrounded my mother and I seemed eternal and mine alone. I remember feeling in my small body that there was something so pure protecting and guiding me. I felt this motherly love from the sky above my head and the earth beneath my feet seemed to welcome my curious inspiration for human life. I knew that I had nothing to fear and that all that existed was love.

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